Tagged “code”

  1. Watching The Making Of A Prodigy

    Watching a 7th grade kid learn at a pace I can't imagine myself to be learning at.
    tags: learning , javascript , web , code
  2. Workaround for _next/data URLs throwing 404, for multiple Next.js Apps Running On Same Domain

    When you have to use multiple Next.js on the same domain without having basepath for each app, it gets tricky to make **_next/data**
    tags: Nextjs , tech , code , JavaScript
  3. Time Traveling Learning

    Experiences at a new job, how it has taken a toll on health, how and why learning is compensating for it, and the escape plan.
    tags: learning , work , code , essay , tech
  4. Observations and Experiences Earning Money Through Codementor

    Some observations about people learning to code on codementor.io platform and experiences earning some side money mentoring people on it.
    tags: side hustle , second income , money , code , mentoring , foundation , tech

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